Monday, February 2, 2009

Finally !!

It is 02:02 am in the morning and I am sitting right next to the door of current reservation at platform no.1 in Baroda, waiting for jugad (u know what jugad we do when we dont have reservation, right !!) Yah so, jugad should be done in Rajdhani finally if not in Avadh, but inbetween these time of strolling around platform, I manage to seat on a side and created one more blog. One more becuase I did created one blog before but I simply coudnt get started with it and it got expired, yah, so if not mumbai then I atleast I've arrived at my blog, finally.

Mineblowing has started because I am firm and more resoluted to give birth to a community in Baroda. I am tired of debating and advocating on doing activities in Baroda and places to go for weekend in Baroda. Lets accept the fact that there is lot of limitation where as there are lot of aspiration among folks to come together and relish weekend with friends and family.

All my friends know how much I am lean and fond of outdoor sports and specially kayaking. I have been taking out friends for night out at river bank in tent and going for kayaking in weekends. They have been telling me since then to start offering to everybody but I was just not ready or probably not sure in what fashion do I want them to experince weekend. Over a period of times my ideas have formed much better and my experiences being with friends at site has finally make me ready to offer mine-blowin getaway to everybody.

So what mine blowin getaway can offer to you right now !! Well at this point of time, we can offer your camping by the river ( long patch of river, from lush green grass to rock side), trekking around for kilometers by the river, Kayaking (seat on top kayak, very stable on water), Mountain biking, Horse riding ( limited for people who knows horse riding), volleyball on the river bank and fishing for those who enjoy sitting on rock in the middle of the river with their favourite book a side !! :)

At mineblowin getaway, my attempts is to give rejuvinated experience to all kind of people, those who enjoying seating and reading by the river and enjoye tranquility, for family who wants to seat together outside their tents and chit chat while doing campfire, spending momentious time with better half, for all adrenalin junkies who wanted to take ride on dirt bike or to do kayaking or playing volleyball by sand !! or may me sitting and speding fun time on rock with frinds !! Mine blowin brings all this things for you. At mine blowing getaway, I also attempts to create a community which displays their unique creativity and promote it to the like mined regular members. Over a period of six months, We at Mine blowin getway like to create a club which enjoys weekend live music program, New Gourmet experince and skateboarding club of Baroda.

Mine blowing getaway also has close association with Team4Adventure, a company which gives you nex level of white water kayaking and rafting experience at banks of holy Ganges, Byasi, Hrishikesh. Team4Adventure are set of expert who has been school for white water kayaking, Mountaineering and also for other outdoor activities. Having establish set up in Hrishikesh, Team4Adventure also has there own set up near seculded Tons valley.

Yah, So I welcome all of you and would want you to spread the words among all your friends about mineblowin getaways.

And yes, dont forget to keep checking blog as Mine blowin blogs will also cater blogs from some of the prudent barodian and their encounters with current affairs :)

Till than,


1 comment:

  1. Gr8 start man...hope to join u for a weekend someday soon...

    specially now that airfares have started nosediving [;)]


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